Meet the Miniature Shetlands

  • Sid


    Sid is one of 9 miniature Shetlands at Fripps. He came with his stable mate Peggy when they both needed a new home. Initially we all thought he was a gelding (meaning without testicles) but it turned out he wasn’t (they were just so high up you couldn’t see them). Sid has since gotten Bluebell pregnant and she produced Tinkerbell (the smallest and most beautiful foal in the world). We know we’re biased but we think Sid is the most handsome Shetland we’ve ever seen and he has such a wonderful character. He’s really loving and very vocal. He loves being taken for walks and he has the best canter ever. He loves everyone at the farm and is a constant joy.

  • Peggy


    Peggy is one of 9 miniature Shetlands at Fripps. She came here along with Sid when they both needed a new home. Peggy’s nickname is “big mumma” as she’s definitely the matriarch of the farm. She’s a bit of a brute when it comes to food and pushes everyone else out of the way. Peggy is actually really affectionate though and loves being brushed. Although she’s greedy, she’s a real sweetheart and she has Jodie wrapped around her little finger/hoof.

  • Tommy


    Tommy is one of 9 miniature Shetlands at Fripps. He came to us along with Bluebell. He’s a grumpy little Shetland who loves the company of other animals but isn’t too fussed about human company. He stamps his feet when he wants something and isn’t afraid to give you a kick if you’re “annoying” him (by annoying, we mean, walking past him while he’s eating haha). Tommy is a delight because Jodie secretly loves the naughty animals. He’s got a huge personality for such a little pony!!

  • Bluebell


    Bluebell is one of 9 miniature Shetlands at Fripps. She’s the most affectionate, loving, beautiful soul on the farm. She loves everyone and everything. She’s also the smallest pony we’ve ever seen. We all think she looks more like a large guinea pig or capybara than a pony. She has such a sweet and wonderful nature. Bluebell recently gave birth to Tinkerbell (fathered by Sid, another of our rescue ponies). She is such a good mother and we have been blown away by her care and love for Tinkerbell.

  • Tinkerbell


    Tinkerbell was born on the 4th July 2022. She’s one of 5 miniature Shetlands on the farm. Her mum is Bluebell and her dad is Sid. She felt like a miracle and a gift to Jodie after what had been a tough few months for Jodie personally. Tinkerbell is a firm favourite with followers of the farm (especially the Instagram followers) as she behaves like a puppy. She lies on her back on Jodie’s legs and wants belly tickles and she snuggles up on Jodie’s lap and goes to sleep. People always say “I’ve never seen a pony act like that before” and Jodie regularly gets stopped in the street by people who want to talk about Tinkerbell. She is a true delight and Jodie feels like she “completed” her.

  • George


    George is one of the three ponies we rescued from a housing estate late one night. He was a stallion (meaning he still had his balls) so we immediately got him castrated. He’ll be much happier without his balls. Stallions tend to fight and can be a real handful but without all that testosterone they are really sweet and gentle. He’s very nervous around people but we are hoping that will change as he realises we all love him. He is the cutest little miniature Shetland and we love his colouring and his floofy hair. He’s best friends with Bobby and he loves Ralph the big pony so we will be keeping them all together.

  • Bobby


    Bobby is an Appaloosa miniature horse. He was one of the four animals we rescued from a housing estate! The previous owner hadn't paid her field rent and the owners of the field rounded up the animals and dumped them at her house on a housing estate. It was all very dramatic with the police involved and the animals all got signed over to Jodie that night. After a long night of securing the animals, the Fripps team got to bed at 3.30am and all animals are now safe. Bobby still had his balls so he was castrated immediately so that he can life a happy life with the other minis at Fripps. He’s a lovely little boy and very feisty. He has a locking stifle which is basically a stiff leg so sometimes he stands and walks funny. It won’t harm him. We are so excited to see his personality grow as he mingles with the other animals at Fripps.

  • Jasmine


    Jasmine is 23 years old and she’s one of the smallest miniature Shetlands we’ve ever seen. She was a very sad hand in with her best friend Monty (another Shetland). Her owner didn’t want to give them up but she had no choice. Jasmine is so friendly and wonderful and has fitted right in here. In fact, Sid is in love with her and now spends all day following her about. Tinkerbell was very excited to meet her and spent an hour doing zoomies round the field kicking and bucking with joy (we think it’s because she’s pretty much the same size as Tinkerbell). Jasmine is very sweet and gentle and we are all in love with her.

  • Monty


    Monty is a 17 year old Shetland who came to us with his best friend Jasmine. It was a very sad hand in as the owner didn’t want to give them up but had no choice. Monty is the biggest Shetland we’ve ever seen, he’s huge!! He’s got loads of personality and his previous owner told us he would try to dominate our others but so far he’s just been having a whale of a time doing zoomies round the field and running along the fence line with our other Shetland Bobby. He’s been exploring the woods too and gets on so well with all the other animals. He’s a loving and friendly boy and we are all totally in love with him.

  • Lisa


    Lisa is the daughter of Gladys. These two were dumped and had been running round the roads of Essex for 3 weeks. Eventually they found their way into a field owned by a friend of Jodie. She then asked Jodie to come and get them. Their manes were very matted so we had to give them a good pamper once we got them home. Lisa is so friendly and loving and she loves attention. She nuzzles everyone she meets and would stand there all day being brushed and stroked. She’s such a little cutie and we all fell in love with her on sight.

  • Gladys


    Gladys is mum to Lisa. They had both been dumped and were running about for 3 weeks on dangerous roads in Essex. They found their way into a field owned by one of Jodie’s friends, who then asked Jodie to come and get them. Gladys is a little shy. She’s very friendly but nervous. As with all our rescues, we don’t know how she was treated in the past so maybe something happened to her to make her nervous. She’s an amazing mum to Lisa and we all adore her.