Meet the Guinea Pigs
Norbert came with his brother Neville. Jodie went to pick up a skunk from a zoo that needed re-homing and whilst there, the owner also asked to take the two male Guinea pigs. They had been brought in to the zoo unwanted and were covered in mites. The owner of the zoo treated them but then had to keep them separate from their other Guinea pigs as all their others were female. If you put males and females together, you’ll end up with about 600 Guinea pigs by the end of the year!!! Jodie ended up coming home with Neville and Norbert as well as the skunk. They are only babies and are quite nervous. Norbert is the smallest but also the cuddliest. He will happily sit on you for hours being cuddled and stroked. He’s a real cutie and everyone here is in love with him. We are going to build a huge outdoor pen for them so they can have lots of space to wander about.
Neville came to Fripps along with Norbert. They are both babies. Neville is bigger and heavier than Norbert but he’s the most shy. Whilst he will happily sit and have cuddles and strokes, he’s also still a little wary of humans. Jodie is determined to make him feel safe and loved. Jodie is going to build a huge outdoor enclosure for the boys so they can have lots of space and wander around. Also there will be space to take more unwanted Guinea pigs. Everyone at Fripps is in love with the Guinea pigs. Jodie had Guinea pigs as a child and Neville and Norbert have totally stolen her heart!!